
 Begin living your life fully
Emotional Resolution (EmRes) can help you get there, naturally.

Get to know Sue Siebens

Certified in Emotional Resolution with a specialization in psychosomatic and behavioral issues, I am passionate about facilitating lasting transformation without having to recall, retell, or relive the trauma. Re-experiencing can be quite tough, especially when you feel vulnerable and fed up with how these emotions control you rather than how you control them.

Let’s skip the tough part and get to the good part ….

I work with adults, teens, and children aged 10 and above, seeking a more permanent solution to troubling emotions, unwanted behaviors, or physical discomforts, no matter what they have tried before.

We deal with what is happening in your present life. And just like any hygiene regiment, you will see immediate benefits—you’ll see how much more easily you’ll control those emotions and the situation surrounding them. In most cases, the emotion never returns. In some cases, it may take a few sessions. 

EmRes is safe and natural.  There is no medication needed, and there is no risk of side effects.

Emotional Resolution (EmRes) is a breakthrough holistic practice that reduces or eliminates emotional and physical pain effortlessly and permanently. EmRes also complements any and all medical treatments.

EmRes can be easily done virtually in the comfort of your home. I’m available to meet virtually throughout the world.

From Zoology to Massage Therapist

Now actively involved in shedding light on Emotional Resolution for everyone’s benefit.

Having completed a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Iowa State University, I approach EmRes with a scientific background and mindset, which contributes to my unique perspective and expertise in emotional wellness.

As a licensed massage therapist (LMT) based in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, I often encountered people trying to let go, relax, stop unwanted behaviors, and find some sort of relief from their everyday stress.

I knew how they felt because I had been there, too. 

I was miserable, angry, and resentful all the time. Just like you, I searched for answers everywhere and tried yoga, meditation traditions, therapy, and some 12-step work. These helped me gain an understanding of the origins of my feelings and behavior. But it didn’t fix anything.  I was still being triggered into upsetting emotions that I didn’t want. 

It wasn’t until a friend suggested I try Emotional Resolution (EmRes) that I found an effective and permanent solution. My life completely changed for the better! Empowered by this transformative holistic practice, I am on a mission to help others in need of a breakthrough to reduce or eliminate the tough emotions that keep them stuck in cycles of anger, fear, pain, and so much more.

No matter how long you've carried the weight of these emotions, EmRes offers a remarkable journey to healing, bringing newfound freedom and well-being into your life.

“I am continually delighted and amazed at how Emotional Resolution can bring relief to the emotions and the mind. In reflex, the body is also affected as the emotions remove their dispiriting influence on the parasympathetic (rest and heal) systems. In the end, we are happier and healthier by working on our emotions.”

–Sue Siebens

Certifications — Professional Training — Education

  • Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner

  • EmRes Applied to the Body and Behaviors

  • EmRes for Children

  • Introduction to Emotional Resolution/Learn EmRes-Self Teacher

  • Licensed massage therapist (LMT) 

  • Bachelor of Science in Zoology

It’s been proven…

Fear No More

“I had been dealing with a fear of heights, driving on highways, bridges, etc., for over 20 years.  My fears were becoming an issue in my daily life. I avoided highways and could not travel alone anymore. Even being a passenger in a car on a highway or bridge was challenging.  After seeing Sue just once, I was able to easily drive on the highway. I did not have any symptoms of panic or anxiety that I was used to feeling.  I tried driving on bridges the next day, and I felt no anxiety or fear.  I am completely amazed, and I booked a second visit with Sue to address some other issues. She is very compassionate, knowledgeable, and skillful. I highly recommend her!!!”

Asthma Gone!

“I was fortunate enough to come across Sue at a gathering we both attended. I have had asthma since the age of 5 (I am now 65) which requires ongoing daily medication and special care in certain parts of my life. She wasn’t kidding when she said she could help me—I am not only off my daily medications completely, but I save on average $85 in out-of-pocket co-pay expenses per month! Emotional Resolution (EmRes) is affordable to body disorders! Even my lungs feel like they are stronger and healthier than with the meds!”

Core Values

My core values serve as fundamental principles supporting my connection with the world, guides my professional practice, and shapes our collaborative journey together.


I strive to do the right thing for the right reasons, even if no one is looking. I’ve found that it’s so much easier to be honest, transparent, and committed to doing my best for my family, friends, and clients that it’s now a vital part of my being.


I support you during your journey. Instead of feeling exposed or vulnerable during emotional work, I create a comfortable, tranquil space for my clients to feel at ease during emotional transformations.


I work in harmony with my clients at their pace and priorities. Together, we decide on each session’s focus and how frequent sessions will be. I feel this self-directed approach empowers everyone into the best self-care regimen.


I challenge myself to offer the best possible method to meet the needs of my clients. We are all a work in progress, striving to improve ourselves. I am constantly studying and learning—staying abreast of new neuroscience and related field developments. As a result, I creatively and intuitively cultivate ways to solve challenging emotional problems for my clients.


I share my vision of finding a way toward a life of contentment and peace.  I believe that we build a happier, more loving life by working to eliminate emotions and stressors present in our current circumstances. It’s the best and only goal that matters in the end.

Now Available

Get Unstuck Naturally: Release Emotions That Keep You Miserable

Get Unstuck Naturally presents insights into how emotions are created in our lives, why they recur despite our best coping skills, and how EmRes will remove disturbing emotions from being triggered in the future. In a laid-back style, Sue Siebens shares personal and real client case studies to clarify the ideas and concepts behind emotional hygiene and why it is essential to our happiness and contentment.

Emotional Resolution

A  holistic, proven, revolutionary way to get rid of disruptive emotional patterns and trauma.