Success Stories

Client Background
Jane, a full-time working single mom, was struggling with anger and frustration, particularly toward her two young boys. Small incidents, like tripping over a video game controller, would trigger intense outbursts that left Jane feeling both guilty and somewhat justified. She knew her anger was affecting her relationships, but she couldn’t control it and wanted a better way to handle her emotions.

The Challenge
Jane’s anger and frustration was taking a toll on her relationship with her boys. Despite understanding she was overreacting, she couldn’t seem to manage the frustration. Jane was looking for a way to stay calm and improve communication with her children but didn’t know where to turn.

The Solution
After discovering Emotional Resolution (EmRes) through a web search, Jane decided to give it a try. During her session, she focused on the incident that triggered her anger. Although skeptical at first, she noticed that each time she used EmRes for the situation and triggered emotion, the intensity of her emotions decreased.

Key steps taken in the process included:

  • Guiding Jane through recalling the situation and allowing her body to process the emotions.

  • Addressing the underlying triggers without the need to relive or analyze past traumas.

  • Providing follow-up support to reinforce the positive changes.

The Results
Following the session, Jane experienced a noticeable shift in her behavior. Situations that would typically lead to yelling were now handled with calm explanations. She reported:

  • Increased patience and ability to communicate with her boys without anger.

  • Improved compliance from her children, as they responded better to her calm approach.

  • A more peaceful home environment, allowing Jane to feel more in control and content.

Jane found herself pleasantly surprised by the lasting impact of just one session, giving her a new sense of hope and peace in her day-to-day life.

Finding Patience and Peace as a Single Mom

Case Study

Finding Peace After Loss

Case Study

Client Background
Yuji and Kiyoko, siblings-in-law, faced profound grief after the unexpected death of Akira, Yuji’s wife. Both had their own burdens of guilt and regret, struggling with what they felt they could have done differently.

The Challenge
Yuji was consumed by regrets about not defending Akira against his sister’s harsh criticisms over the years. He was unable to face work or his sister due to overwhelming anger and sadness. Kiyoko, on the other hand, blamed herself for not forcing Akira to seek medical help, feeling responsible for her death.

The Solution
Through EmRes sessions, both Yuji and Kiyoko addressed their unique emotional triggers:

  • Yuji’s sessions focused on past situations where he didn’t stand up for Akira, helping release feelings of regret and self-blame.

  • Kiyoko’s sessions initially dealt with the shock of losing her sister, then moved to her guilt over not being able to convince Akira to see a doctor.

  • Both clients experienced the gradual lifting of emotional weights as they processed the unprocessed feelings tied to their grief.

The Results
Yuji and Kiyoko saw significant shifts:

  • Yuji reported feeling lighter and less haunted by regrets, allowing him to return to work part-time and interact with his sister more calmly.

  • Kiyoko moved from feeling responsible for Akira’s death to accepting that her sister made her own choices. She now feels less burdened by guilt and can focus on healing.

Don’t take my word for it — Hear directly from some of my recent clients.

Disarmed Trigger

“The EmRes, Emotional Resolution, technique is a disarmingly simple and powerful tool for emotional regulation. As retirees, my husband and I are in constant close contact. I came to Sue to work on a pervasive irritation --my husband's raised voice when he gets confused - something that happens frequently and I know that my response is bigger than the situation warrants. In less than 45 minutes, this particular irritant was completely disarmed. The irritant still occurs with as much frequency as before, but I have zero "trigger" to it. It's just another moment in my day-to-day life that's not in my control. And I’m okay with that!”

Out Of Bed, Getting Things Done

“I was experiencing so much anxiety and depression that I couldn’t get out of bed. Not to get my kids up and to school or take care of myself or the house. But after an EmRes session, I'm having the best day! I didn't stay in bed [too much anxiety to get up]. In fact I was up and active by 7:30 am on a Saturday!!! I do believe I have more work to do. But I'm excited to improve upon what has already been accomplished.”


“I am an elderly woman who is in the process of working with a therapist for years to address PTSD issues. I became particularly interested in Emotional Resolution [EmRes], as it addresses emotional behaviors. At the time, I was directing rage inwardly toward myself. That was what we addressed, and I was amazed to experience a total release during that 1 session. This has not returned and has been a great relief to me. I did some research online, which affirmed that for a large percentage of people, this is a permanent behavioral solution. I plan to utilize it again.”

Happy work group with Emotional Resolution

Deep Emotional Healing

“Before EmRes sessions I was so beat down–unsure of who I was and unable to stand my ground. EmRes helped me release emotions that have held me hostage for years. I was gently guided through recognizing, feeling, and then releasing these emotions. Every session ended with a “WOW!” moment—it’s been truly life-altering. I’m so much happier and more confident.”

Fear Of Speaking In Meetings

“Working with Emotional Resolution has been a positive experience. I had an Emotional Resolution session for my debilitating anxiety when called to speak in large meetings at work. I was in a meeting today, no anxiety, felt great...and I was better able to listen and absorb the information. Didn't realize I wasn't before.”