Work With Me

A simple and empowering way to live a happier, more fulfilling life uninterrupted by troubling emotions, unwanted behaviors, or physical discomforts.

Individual Sessions

Emotional Resolution

Easily resolve troubling emotions, unwanted behaviors, patterns, or persistent physical discomforts affecting your life and health. After the session, a short follow-up call ensures progress and positive results.

    • We meet online via Zoom

    • Sessions are light and reminiscent of casual conversations with a friend.

    • You are fully conscious, sitting upright in a safe space where you will be uninterrupted.

    • There is no physical contact or need to recount personal history or details.

    • Sessions are 15-45 minutes for permanent results.

Private Class

Learn Self-Emotional Resolution

A private 90-minute online class where you will learn how to use  Emotional Resolution for yourself. This is not just another coping mechanism, Self-EmRes works with the emotion that is present in you now, connects you to the imprinted emotion stored in the body, and removes the triggering origin from the subconscious.

  • Emotional Hygiene for You by You: A 90-minute online class

    The Emotional Resolution process for individual work is not just another coping mechanism like breathing or imagining. Self-EmRes works with the emotion that is present in you now, connects you to the imprinted emotion stored in the body, and removes the triggering origin from the subconscious. Accurately access sensory memories activated in you at the moment and be able to release the stressful reaction.

Group Webinar

Introduction to Emotional Resolution

Curious to learn more? Join a group webinar and immediately start your healing journey right after this short and easy training. Learn how emotions are made and how to use EmRes on yourself, by yourself.

    • The Self-EmRes class costs $10

    • Tickets are available via Eventbrite (check out the link below)

    • The class itself is hosted via ZOOM, and a link to the class will be delivered via email before the class.

Specializing in letting go of what is holding you back in life 

Every emotion we feel is the result of physical sensations in our body. The goal of Emotional Resolution is to allow us to feel emotions that accurately reflect our current reality rather than being overwhelmed by emotions triggered by past trauma  – even when the link between the past and present emotions is not obvious to us.

If we take the time to experience a recurring difficult emotion through its sensations in a safe environment, without trying to understand it, control it, and dwell in it, we will give our body the space to accomplish its natural cycle of quieting the emotion and allowing it to be resolved.

What we can resolve with EmRes

    • Beings on a boat

    • Blood

    • Clowns

    • Darkness

    • Death

    • Dogs

    • Driving

    • Flying

    • Germs

    • Going to doctor/dentist

    • Heights

    • Large crowds

    • Mice

    • Needles

    • Snakes

    • Speed

    • Taking the subway or trains

    • Water

    • Auto accidents

    • Birth complications

    • Divorce/breakups

    • Grief

    • Physical/sexual trauma and abuses

    • PTSD

    • Separation and abandonment

    • Inhibitions

    • Irritability

    • Paranoia

    • Performance anxieties

    • Procrastination

    • Unhappiness

    • Unhealthy emotional patterns

    • Addictions/unwanted habits of all kinds

    • Aggression

    • Anger/rage

    • Avoidance and escape

    • Control and resistance

    • Eating disorders

    • Jealousy

    • Nervous ticks

    • OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

    • Self-doubt

    • Stuttering

    • Violence

    • Ailments of the ears, eyes, and sinus

    • Any idiopathic disorder such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

    • Arthritis

    • Asthma

    • Back/joint pain and stiffness

    • Bronchitis

    • Clenching teeth

    • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

    • Eczema

    • Fertility issues

    • Migraines

    • Rashes

    • Repeating and chronic sickness

    • Sciatica

    • Silent emotions blocking the body’s immune and repair systems

    • TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

A mix of neuroscience and somatic work that helps make permanent relief possible to achieve

Emotional Resolution (EmRes for short), is a mix of neuroscience and somatic work that complements any and all medical treatment. Somatic practices focus on the connection between the mind and body, recognizing the body's role in emotional and psychological well-being. EmRes applies the latest understanding in neuroscience of how our brain constructs emotions, and through this process, we allow the brain to update obsolete emotional predictions naturally, gently, and safely.

The changes are immediate and permanent. By resetting patterns at the subconscious level, you can finally resolve deep-rooted fears, overcome the impact of traumatic experiences, and break free from unhealthy behavior patterns without triggering or reliving the trauma.

Go beyond symptom management without root cause exploration – we don’t need to revisit the traumatic moment or provoke what may trigger you to be fearful, anxious, stressed out, or angry. 

Work with me

Children 10+, Teens, and Adults

It’s been proven…

Fear No More

“I had been dealing with a fear of heights, driving on highways, bridges, etc., for over 20 years.  My fears were becoming an issue in my daily life. I avoided highways and could not travel alone anymore. Even being a passenger in a car on a highway or bridge was challenging.  After seeing Sue just once, I was able to easily drive on the highway. I did not have any symptoms of panic or anxiety that I was used to feeling.  I tried driving on bridges the next day, and I felt no anxiety or fear.  I am completely amazed, and I booked a second visit with Sue to address some other issues. She is very compassionate, knowledgeable, and skillful. I highly recommend her!!!”

Asthma Gone!

“I was fortunate enough to come across Sue at a gathering we both attended. I have had asthma since the age of 5 (I am now 65) which requires ongoing daily medication and special care in certain parts of my life. She wasn’t kidding when she said she could help me—I am not only off my daily medications completely, but I save on average $85 in out-of-pocket co-pay expenses per month! Emotional Resolution (EmRes) is affordable to body disorders! Even my lungs feel like they are stronger and healthier than with the meds!”

Ready to get started?

Emotional Resolution could be the breakthrough you have been searching for. Let’s find out how I can help.