
It’s been proven … Real life-changing results are possible. These are the most common questions I get that may help you decide if EmRes is right for you.


Frequently Asked Questions
about Emotional Resolution Sessions

    • A session consists of two meetings: the EmRes session via Zoom and a follow-up session via phone. The EmRes sessions are 15 to 45 minutes in length. The Follow-up session lasts for 5 to 10 minutes.

    • First, the client decides what emotional issue/disturbance they’d like to work on in the session. Then, using current emotional events that characterize the emotion, the client is guided through the EmRes process.

    • EmRes sessions are like having a casual conversation with a friend. You are fully conscious, sitting upright, hands-free in a safe space where you will be uninterrupted.

    • There is no need to recount personal history or details if you don’t want to. It is unnecessary to be triggered by the emotion or relive the trauma.

    • There is also no need to know or understand who, what, when, where, or why of the original high-stress situation that caused the emotion to go unprocessed in the first place. YAH! That work may have value for you, but it’s not part of resolving emotions permanently.

    • The follow-up session is scheduled a few days to weeks after the EmRes session. It is a short check-in to capture what has changed: what emotional triggers and behaviors are gone and what may still need work. EmRes results are immediate, but you need real-life situations to see the shift to new emotional regulations or to give voice to the unprocessed emotions that remain. It’s so easy to overlook the successes in our busy lives. The follow-up session is our chance to pause, assess, and celebrate.

    • EmRes work is self-directed. If you have emotions to work on, then seek an EmRes session. Some people come one time for a specific issue, and often, one session is enough. The release from one session overjoys many people, and they continue the work via one session at a time or through multi-session packages. For them, the EmRes work continues until they feel comfortable.
      In any case, this is not a situation where you are coming back once a week for years. If you have emotional difficulties, then you work to eliminate them. When you feel good and content in your life, no more sessions are necessary. When something else rears its head, then you seek another session.

    • Simply put, emotions are internal sensory information generated by the body. Some emotions are generated as a direct response to the actual situation that we are living in. These primary emotions are good–part of our survival mechanisms. Other emotions are generated from past situations that injured us in some way but are secondary reactions to the present. All of these emotions are predictions from our brain. And it’s often the bad predictions that cause problems.

    • For more detailed information, I wrote a blog on this topic. You can read more here:

    • EmRes is new—only 15 years old. Unless a high-profile or celebrity voice captures and voices its benefits, it takes time to seep through the internet and by word-of-mouth.

    • However, more than 3,000 professionals worldwide currently use this revolutionary process. Over 10,000 sessions each month substantiate the results of these inspired protocols. Practitioners include traditional mental health therapists, medical doctors, midwives, teachers, counselors, speech therapists, health and life coaches, bodywork therapists, and fitness and wellness instructors.

    • The applications are endless—anywhere and for anyone experiencing emotional difficulties.

    • EmRes employs a natural physiological process that already exists in our body. It’s not magic. We use it unconsciously all the time. We experience emotion in our body, the brain gets the message and goes into action, the body cleans up the emotion signal, and it’s done—all lasting splits of nanoseconds.

    • But the process gets derailed sometimes during high-stress events. If the body is busy in reaction/survival mode. The emotional cleanup is low-priority and is left undone. These unprocessed emotions remain in the body and are stirred up by the subconscious when similar cues are detected in our current experience.


Scientific Studies and Papers

Ready to get started?



Housed on YouTube these videos on Emotional Resolution provide insight and ideas about how EmRes can help you improve your life right now.

Natural Emotional Wellness YouTube Channel link

  • YouTube Shorts

  • A deeper dive, Kiai provides an overview of Emotional Resolution® in her clinical work as a counselor.

Helpful Links

 The links below are provided to offer you additional information about Emotional Resolution and the topic of emotions in general. It is not a comprehensive list, nor is it an endorsement of the content of these websites.

It’s been proven…

Out of bed, getting things done

“I'm having the best day! I didn't stay in bed [too much anxiety to get up]. In fact, I was up and active by 7:30 am on a Saturday!!! I do believe I have more work to do, but I'm excited to improve upon what has already been accomplished.”

Rapid progress, even with different levels of emotional healing

“Working with Emotional Resolution has been a positive experience. The rapid progress allowed us to address different issues in each session with immediate results. The process, although in-depth, is extremely easy, and Sue makes each visit pleasant.”