EmRes in Action
Examples and Discussions about Emotional Transformation and Growth
Your Body Is Not A Problem to be Solved
We are surrounded by triggers that tell us our body is wrong – that we do not match up to some “ideal” shape, height, culture, race, and orientation. The constant barrage of misinformation leads us to feel uncomfortable in the body into which we are born.
Taming Your Inner Critic
How do you make peace with that inner chatter that contributes negative self-talk to the flow of thoughts in your head? Some small portion of it may be helpful and keep us on track and noticing necessary details.
Release the Power of Emotions...for Body Healing
Our deeply embedded emotions, the ones stuck in our bodies from infancy and the womb, demand resolution. they will show up as those same emotions are triggered in our daily affairs. But if ignored long enough, they will prevent the healing and repair systems of our body from doing it's job.