Shift Out of Emotional Upset
We all have them. Emotions are a physical sensation that our mind labels as anger, contempt, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness or surprise, or some combination of these.
When we experience heightened emotions, it can feel like they will never end. Usually, the emotional event resolves naturally. Moments or days later, we remember the incident–the story– but it’s not emotionally charged.
However, in some circumstances, this natural ability may be blocked. Each remembering of that past emotional event, or newly triggered similar situation, throw us back into the same emotional storm again.
EmRes – to Resolve Difficult Emotions
When we experience a upsetting emotions, unresolved emotions from similar situations in the past will resurface instantaneously. The past clouds our understanding of what is happening now, and filters our abilities to function and respond effectively to the present.
EmRes uses consciously re-experienced sensations to allow the emotional blocks to be integrated and resolved – permanently. How cool is that!?!
With EmRes, the emotional patterns are deactivated, without mental interference. By giving attention to these physical sensations and how they shift, a natural and permanent regulation takes place. A critical benefit of this technique is the ability to resolve long-standing traumas and emotional patterns without emotionally re-activating the client.
EmRes sessions rarely need to exceed 30 minutes to obtain a complete and permanent resolution.
The idea is to have emotions, to feel love, happiness and sometimes anger, fear or surprise as appropriate…But without the debris of past experiences clouding the current situation. (again, how wonderful to let go of the past)